Drinking is a popular pastime for many students. Whether it’s quiet drinks at the local pub quiz or a lairy night on the tiles, it’s fair to say that students enjoy a tipple. With an impressive range of drinks to choose from, as well as various degrees of dehabilitating hangovers, choosing your poison can be tough.

1. Vodka Red Bull
Taste: Good. Lots of sugar, lots of caffeine. Lots of lurking alcohol. What could go wrong?
Intoxication potential: High. Very drinkable, lots of room for potential embarrassment.
Hangover: A vodka hangover is never going to be good. Your body is also likely to be groaning from the caffeine consumption too. Could be worse. Conclusion: Bearable.

2. Lager
Taste: Passable, depending on type. Cheap brands have a tendency to taste like fizzy dishwater.
Intoxication Potential: Fair. Depending on how much your bladder can hold at any one time, lager drunkenness can creep up on you. Can turn even the nicest young gentlemen into so-called lager louts.
Hangover: Bad. Tends to attack the stomach more than anywhere else. As well as having a belly that looks like you’re giving birth to twins, it’s highly likely that you’ll be running to the loo throughout the day. No need to say anymore.

3. Cocktails
Taste: Fantastic! Dangerously so. They lure you into a false sense of security with their bright colours and fruity flavours.
Intoxication Potential: High. Very easy to drink, and also look fabulous doing so. You may be slowed down slightly by the price.
Hangover: Not good, but depends on what it was you were drinking. Cocktails containing more than one spirit (think: Mai Tai’s) are sure to leave the head pounding. Multicoloured vomiting is probable.

4. Wine
Taste: Depends on how much a hardened wine drinker you are. Fine wines generally have a good taste, but the cheapies are going to be more of a hold-your-nose-and-swallow job.
Intoxication Potential: High, depending on your tolerance. For the new wine drinkers, half a bottle will floor them. Final year university students can often neck a bottle before stacking it.
Hangover: Wine gives a particular type of hangover. It’s more of a dizzying, dull ache that creeps up on you. Can range from mild to full blown incapacitating...but you never quite know until you wake up.

5. Jagerbombs
Taste: Good. The Red Bull takes away from the rankness of the Jagermeister. Your taste buds will live to see another day.
Intoxication level: Medium. A Jagerbomb is generally more of a ‘topper’ – keeping you in your happy place.
Hangover: Not bad. It generally induces tiredness from all of the caffeine, so any next-day lectures may be off the schedule.

6. Tequila
Taste: Awful. Probably one of the worst tasting shots you can do. Made more bearable by the salt and lemon taken with it.
Intoxication Potential: Through the roof. Not a shot to be taken lightly, tends to hit you like a bus an hour or so later.
Hangover: Stay in bed. You’re not going to want to move for the next few hours, and will vow to never drink again (unlikely).

Read next:A Lesson in Creative Drinking

Written by @Sarahzhdavis