Once you've finished university it's time to grab the job of your dreams and the pay packet to match. But what happens in the meantime?
University life is packed full of opportunities – to learn, meet new people, stand on your own two feet and have the time of your life doing it.
Sadly, it can also mean not having much spare cash, because with all that studying, there's not a lot of opportunity to earn at the same time.
You might have a part time job that's helping you to make ends meet, but if you don't, there's no need to despair.
Believe it or not, there are loads of ways to earn money legitimately without a job, so we've decided to list just a few.
Whether you're selling your stuff, using your talents, providing a service, or all three, there are loads of things to try…
• Selling old items on Ebay / Gumtree / Amazon / Play – From clothes to cd’s. If you've got any stuff you don't need any more, why not sell it on? Whatever you have, chances are if it's in good condition, someone else will snap it up for the right price.
• Rent your stuff out - This is a convenient way to make some easy money. People are often unwilling to spend large sums of money on items they rarely use. Maybe you could rent out your Speakers, DJ Equipment, bicycle or any electronic equipment to other students on campus?
• Try selling your artwork – Are you a talented artist? Why not sell your work to others? You can advertise your services locally, or there are some great online sites where you can do this such as PeoplePerHour. Here you can pitch for jobs as and when you need extra cash. You could also try sign writing at your local pub and try and score a few free drinks in the process.
• Pawn shop – This is a good option if you need to get some cash fast but don't want to part with any of your belongings permanently. Basically, you give the pawn shop an item in exchange for a cash loan.
• Busking/ street performing - If you've got an entertaining talent, choose a spot that's going to get you noticed, check it's ok to be there, lay out your hat or guitar case with a few coins sprinkled in for effect and away you go!
• Perform at events – if you've got a musical or performing talent, why not use it to entertain others and get paid at the same time? Set up a band or have a think about something unique you could offer at weddings or other events. Think of a catchy name and ask friends and relatives if you can perform at their events for free, in order to get your name out there. If you're good enough, you'll soon have people willing to book you for paid events.
• Complete online surveys or reviews - Check out these hints and tips on Money Saving Expert
• Answer technical questions - If you have expert knowledge on a certain topic, then a quick way to make some cash is to answer questions about it online. Topics range from basic legal procedures, car queries, home and appliances, to health, lifestyle and computer troubleshooting. Find reputable websites that will pay you for sharing your expertise - Just Answer is a great example.
• Open an online store or use an online auction website - It's easier than ever to sell stuff online these days. You can set up your own website and start your own small-scale business – sites like Shopify will show you how - or you can go through an online auction website like eBay or Etsy.
• Blogging– have knowledge on a specialist subject or something interesting, engaging and unique to say? Why not set up your own blog? It's easy to set one up through free sites such as Wordpress and Blogger and simple to promote your blog via social media. Once you’re underway, companies will often pay to advertise on your site or pay you to do a review of their products.
• Do what you're good at - Identify your skills first, then look for a gap in the market. Could you be a pet sitter or babysitter, dog walker, personal trainer? Get some flyers printed up cheap and advertise locally.
• Be a home help - Many full time workers just don't have the time for household chores these days, so if you're talented at cooking or cleaning, how about offering to make the evening meals or clean the homes of families in your area?
• Be a Tutor - You made it all the way to university, surely you could help someone younger than you? Have some flyers printed and advertise your services locally. Volunteer at your local schools and sign up with a tutoring agency.
• Become a mystery shopper - Hundreds of businesses employ them to hear how things really are. Try sites like Mystery Shoppers to get you started.
• Take part in medical tests, research and surveys - Do some research of your own, have a look online and make sure you sign up with a reputable company such as Test with the Best
• Donate blood plasma,sperm, hair or eggs in return for cash – there are lots of sites online to show you how.
• Take part in a focus group - This is a tool used to assist market researchers. It is a meeting where a group of selected people are asked about their opinions towards a product or service with the purpose of helping brands to improve their services. Taking part allows members to express themselves, give opinions and get paid for their participation and help. Try Paid Focus Group or Take Part in Research
• Write an e- book or become a freelance writer – it's so easy to find work from the comfort of your own home these days. If writing’s your thing, check out this Daily Mail article.
• Try Matched Betting - It's a completely legal, tried-and-tested method which basically allows you to turn the tables on the bookmakers to extract their free bet offers. There's a great chance to make a packet too!